JUBES are a great snack. Made from coconut juice, they're a great source of fiber. Eat them out of the bag or mixed into desserts or as toppings to shaved ice or ice cream.
Nata de coco, or coconut gel, is a fibrous, cholesterol-free and delicious desert. Spend hours of fun munching these chewy, juicy cubes or mix them with cocktails and other desserts to create your very own treats. Light and fibrous, it's especially suitable for the health conscious.
The grape flavored JUBES is great for those who favor gentle & refreshing taste.
The lychee flavored JUBES is great for those who prefer cool & refreshing taste.
The original flavored JUBES is for those who enjoy light but tasty dessert.
The strawberry flavored JUBES is for those who like it really fruity.