Shipping FAQs
Q: Why are some items out of stock even when I was able to order it?
Your order is fulfilled from in-store inventory, from our main location in Albuquerque. This ensures that you always get products from our latest shipments, and not from inventory sequestered for on-line shipping. There may be times when products may not be immediately available, and we will contact you by e-mail or phone to notify you of an expected arrival date, or to suggest an alternate item. You will always have the right to cancel the order, wait for the product, or if offered, accept an alternate, comparable product.
Q: Why are the shipping charges more than the cost of the products that I ordered?
Food products are generally low-priced. All of us have to eat every day, and at Talin Market, we strive to provide you with great products at great prices. Some of our on-line competitors may give you free or discounted shipping, but you generally have to pay quite a bit more for the product, and in many cases, buy more than you actually need. We'd rather be up front with you with what the product and shipping costs would be.
Q: Why am I charged tax on shipping charges?
New Mexico requires tax to be paid on shipping charges for in-state customers. Although we could have hidden the tax in the shipping charge itself, transparency in this allows you to see that a portion of your total goes to pay local taxes, which in turn, helps the local economy. We don't pocket the taxes.
The good news is that food items are exempt from taxes.
For our out-of-state customers, we don't have any physical presence nor "nexus" in your state, so we don't collect sales tax on your orders.